What are your hours?
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.- 4:00 P.M.
Closed for lunch from 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. JNRU is closed all major holidays.
What is your phone number?
Office Phone: (812)-346-5500/ Fax: (812)-346-0838
After-Hour Emergencies: (812) 592-3984
When is my bill due?
Bills are due on the 17th of each month by 4:00 P.M.
On the 18th of each month a 10% penalty will be applied to the unpaid balance.
Balance will need to be paid no later than the 22nd of each month by 4:00 P.M.
A $75.00 Non-Payment Fee will be applied on the 23rd to the unpaid balance.
Disconnection will be on the 23rd of each month.
How can I make my payment?
Payments may be made:
U.S. Mail: JNRU PO Box 18 North Vernon, IN 47265
Office: Cash, Check, Money Order, or Debit/Credit Card
Drop Box: Located at the Utility Office or Front Gate
Phone: Debit/Credit Cards (888-291-2156)
Website: www.jnru.org - Create Account to view/pay your bills.
What do I need to get services?
Please visit the ►"Service Request" Tab, it will have the information there that is needed.
What do I need to do to disconnect services?
To initiate a disconnection, you will need to visit our office and sign a disconnect form. Once the form is signed, we will pull the meter. After the meter is pulled, we will generate the final bill. If there is a deposit on file, any remaining balance will be deducted from the deposit, and the remaining balance will be mailed to you.
When will my deposit be refunded?
The deposit will be refunded after the customer has maintained a good account standing for 24 months. Deposits will be credited to the account.
Will I receive a sewer leak adjustment if I have a leak?
If there is a leak on the customer's side of the meter, we can check to see if you're eligible for a sewer leak adjustment. To be considered for a sewer leak adjustment, you will need to visit our office to fill out a sewer leak adjustment form. We will then verify that the leak has been fixed. Once the fix is verified, we will give you a call with the information. Please note that you are only allowed one sewer leak adjustment per year, and not all leaks are eligible for an adjustment. Items such as leaking or running toilets and faucets are not eligible, as the water is still entering the sewer system.